2. Allowing Yourself to be Wealthy

There is a thought process that is pervasive throughout society and is supported by many religious dogmas, that money is “filthy lucre,” that money is evil and seeking after it is bad.” Amongst other misconceptions is, “it feels like we are not supposed to be financially free.” Is something or someone stopping us from being wealthy? Good question, but there are thoughts behind the question that may be at the root of the financial woes.

In reality, money is just used as an exchange of energy- expended. When one goes to work, time and energy is expended to accomplish a task, the reward for which is measured by increments of money received. This money is then exchanged for the time and energy expended by others whose task was to produce a commodity that we want.

How is that process of working and receiving fair compensation considered to be filthy lucre? There is a component of money that may be considered filthy lucre and that is greed. The lack of money creates an abundance of greed. Greed is the filthiness of money, not the money itself. Jesus threw the money changers out of the Temple because they had a scheme to unrighteously make money even from the widow’s mite. It was pure Greed. Money is not the problem. Greed, and how money may be used unrighteously, is the problem. My definition of righteousness is the right use of one’s personal energy, money being one of the most important uses of energy.

Having been raised in this type of environment where money is believed to be bad, has created a dysfunctional society. A dysfunctional Society is based on a pyramid that results in a few at the top having the largest share of the earth’s abundance for themselves while those working at the base of the pyramid scramble for the tidbits to stay alive. The ones at the top don’t subscribe to this idea that money is bad, so they greedily go for all they can get at the expense of others who do not have the means to climb the so-called ladder of success.

To varying degrees, everyone has created their own ‘love-hate’ relationship with money that may be at the root of them not having enough money. If one believes money is bad, guess what the Law of Attraction is doing in their life? Very little money? That’s right, and it is not going to be easy to attract wealth if you believe wealth is bad. The biggest problem we all face in our day-to-day living is the lack of sufficient money to live life to the fullest. We become accepting of the level of finances we have because we may often feel we are not “supposed” to have any more. This “lack” thinking is often a weary adult way of thinking passed down from generation to generation. This programmed way of thinking may be hard to break. The apples do not fall very far from the tree.

Now, with Revenue Sharing Solutions, large sums of money are going to be coming your way. Will you gracefully and with gratitude, allow it to be a part of your life? Will you go for the higher amounts that are available for you to acquire the Abundance Mentality? The choice is yours’ The opportunity to accomplish any worthwhile financial goal is now given to you to fulfill your Stewardship Responsibility. From the RSS perspective, any restrictions on your acquisition of Wealth are gone. Go for what you want. If you carry the thought that you are not worthy to receive wealth, think again. There is a new Sherriff in town that wants you to be wealthy.

With the Revenue Sharing Solutions program, we have a chance to change the way we think about money and create a totally different attitude about the very positive aspects of Wealth available for us to embrace. But we must let go of old thinking habits that do not work, and in letting go, we get to embrace truths about Wealth that will serve us and allow us to be who we really want to be. The transition from just-getting-by, to having excess wealth, requires us to adopt a better way of thinking that takes advantage of the newness of life that is presenting itself through the RSS experience. Without changing our thoughts this incoming wealth may become a detriment and not the blessing we thought wealth would be. Wealth requires an updated way of thinking about money so that money can be a blessing and not a curse.

Making the commitment to allow ourselves to be wealthy, is the next step in receiving wealth. Understand that in the beginning, your Beneficiary Account creates a pre-determined flow of revenue for you. With a little conscious effort in using the Bonus program, sharing with others can create more income. Every two new registered Beneficiaries puts an additional 1 cent on your per minute download. Each 1 cent adds about $100 to your weekly income.

Paying it forward by helping others to register for a Beneficiary Account, is a great blessing for others as well. When we share in this manner, we are acting in a benevolent way and showing the Universe or God, that we are abundant in our thinking because we share our new gift with others. Allowing yourself to receive this abundance and sharing with others brings balance to your Giving and Receiving, which puts you in harmony with higher principles. Living in harmony with these higher principles attracts the joy that the abundance of God was meant to bring. Consider this as your inheritance from your Father – it is yours to enjoy.

Let us now address how wealthy you may want to be and how you can simply “allow” it to happen

There are many individual factors involved when determining when one has reached the volume of revenue that is sufficient for their needs. When I have purchased a new home and a car and all the toys I want, what will I do with any excess? Do I have a serious benevolent plan to help others? If we can motivate ourselves to gain excess income beyond our needs, then we can commit ourselves to do humanitarian work. This thought process of sharing our excess with others eliminates the thought of greediness. When we see greediness in others, we normally condemn it and think it is mean-spirited. With the thought of sharing our excess with others, we can justify our pursuit of wealth as being OK as long as we are being ethical and doing no damage to others. The intent to share our wealth with others puts us in the natural flow of giving and receiving in harmony with universal laws that produce joy and happiness. It is the natural consequence that we are after, and this motivates us to gain so that we can give. With excess wealth we get to “Pay it forward” and this creates this flow of love in our communities that brings peace and harmony because no one is left out.

Does my desire for the excess come from a lack mentality where I will always want more and more, or does my desire for more wealth come from a benevolent thought pattern of being of service to others? Only the individual can know the answer and only the individual can make the necessary change in thinking. This is where one must be true to oneself. Critical thinking is paramount, but we can take all the time we need to get it right.

The nice thing about this whole RSS wealth thinking is this; we can make mistakes without destroying ourselves. We can correct our course at any time because the money will just keep coming. We get to work at this until we get it right. No punishment, just natural consequences. We will all be OK. It is healing to be in harmony with positive thought processes about wealth. It soothes the soul and eliminates distortion in our thinking.

When it comes to financial security, most people project into the future to determine if what they have will be sufficient to take care of any unforeseen emergency. This thought process is salient to the wise person’s responsibility to protect life and maintain a living standard to which this person has become accustomed. So, we look ahead to understand the risks that lay hidden from our present view; a car accident, the loss of a job, unforeseen health issues; even possible relationship problems that may end in divorce.

How do we plan for these things, or do we really need to plan for these things at all? With the RSS Beneficiary program, the husband and the wife can each have their own Beneficiary Accounts and thus their own Stewardship responsibility. Coming together as a couple, with each having their own revenue flow helps relieve a codependent relationship and avoids financial manipulations from one spouse to another. It’s called independent financial freedom. “If that’s what you want to do with your money that is your decision, but for me, I choose not to go there,” is a conversation that can end in a peaceful settlement. Staying in a bad relationship for financial reasons can be eliminated. Each having sufficient for their needs is Financial Freedom. Coming together to invest or purchase something needed for the home is simply a choice, not a manipulation that causes friction and stress.

The Revenue Sharing Solutions (RSS), platform was designed to be a consistent flow of revenue to create a new life and to alleviate unforeseen financial problems. Once established the revenue flow per Beneficiary Account will continue indefinitely. If one’s account download does not meet one’s needs then, with a little more work, one can increase their download and receive more income. Creating a revenue flow that will cover most unforeseen events means financial problems can be avoided.

As an internet platform, RSS has no interest in throttling back or controlling the level of funds flowing to a person’s General Cash Account. We trust that everyone will create the level of revenue flow that they will be comfortable receiving. Any overwhelm, will eventually be neutralized and morph into a healthy attitude of gratitude about money and its use. When you have sufficient for your needs there is often the accompanying gratitude for what you receive. It’s like having enough money to pay bills and still have money left over to do some things you really enjoy doing.

What you receive as your fair share of the available revenue from RSS is an individual assessment. RSS supports your own Stewardship responsibility. When the “talents” are given to you, it is then, your responsibility to use those talents to accomplish your life’s work. Controlling what you do and how much you get is not part of our RSS stewardship responsibility. Our responsibility is to be stewards of what we have received to do the RSS work. Our funds will support the growth that we now calculate, well into the future, even for billions of Beneficiaries. We respectfully delegate financial decisions in your life to you and do so with the faith and trust that you will accomplish what your participation in RSS was meant to do in your life.

You are accountable. We are accountable. Together we get to meet the full measure of our joint financial stewardships. Let the reason for your sharing of the RSS opportunity be to help others find financial security, rather than sharing for one’s own gain. It works better for all that way and is healthier for each Beneficiary. Allowing Wealth to be a part of your life is vital. Our goal for each Beneficiary is joy and happiness. Freedom from financial stress moves us along that road to Joy and Happiness. Please determine what level of funds flowing to you would be comfortable. Then go for it and allow it to happen. It is your Stewardship responsibility, and we support you in whatever positive decisions you may make for yourself.

Wealth Education Series

Revenue Sharing Solutions brings forth great abundance. Learn more about becoming wealthy and the responsibilities that come with it.

With Revenue Sharing Solutions, we have a chance to change the way we think about money and create a totally different attitude about very positive aspects of wealth available for us to embrace.
