Wealth Education Series

1. Abundance Mentality and Universal Law of Attraction

There is power in believing in this Natural Law of Attraction that brings forth the Abundant Blessings from the Universe, from our Creator. By focusing on what you want it is brought into manifestation, by focusing on what you don’t want that too, is manifest. “Focus” is the key.

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2. Allowing Yourself to be Wealthy

There is a thought process that is pervasive throughout society and is supported by many religious dogmas, that money is “filthy lucre,” that money is evil and seeking after it is bad.” Amongst other misconceptions is, “it feels like we are not supposed to be financially free.” Is something or someone stopping us from being wealthy?

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3. Giving and Receiving is a Natural Law

Giving and Receiving is a natural law of the universe that requires one to be balanced in one’s giving and receiving to maintain a healthy balance in life. When balanced, things work out well and when out of balance, things don’t work out so well.

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7. Responsibility of Being Wealthy

Along with wealth comes a responsibility to use it wisely for one’s own transitional development of the abundance mentality and for the broader, more communal responsibility that each of us has as we live near others in our communities.

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With Revenue Sharing Solutions, we have a chance to change the way we think about money and create a totally different attitude about very positive aspects of wealth available for us to embrace.
