Giving and Receiving is a natural law of the universe that requires one to be balanced in one’s giving and receiving to maintain a healthy balance in life. When balanced, things work out well and when out of balance, things don’t work out so well.
If one’s giving is out of balance, we’ll often begin to feel used and even abused. The loving ways of a mother may be consumed by ungrateful children, or her ungrateful husband. But a mother is traditionally expected to do certain things in support of the family. So, she plays the part and oftentimes hides the resentment of being unappreciated. Hidden resentments fester, like boiling water on the stove. Eventually you must deal with it or the water boils away and burns your pan. The children or the husband can turn the stove off by acts of kindness and appreciation that diffuses the resentment.
The husband is traditionally supposed to earn a living by working all day, but when he does not feel appreciated for his efforts, he too may feel used and abused. Often this scenario produces the inability to gratefully received from others because in receiving, one must lose a portion of the resentment of being used and abused. This is defined as a martyr syndrome are complex.
On the other hand, if one receives without giving back, a sense of entitlement becomes a way of thinking and feeling that makes once insensitive to the situation and produces negative results between those who inappropriately give and those who inappropriately receive.
This is a conundrum of great proportions in society. Coming from the simple Attitude of Gratitude is like pouring cold water into the pot so it won’t boil. Obviously, once is not enough, gratitude must happen on a consistent basis.
Nature gives us many examples of healthy giving and receiving. When a mountain lake receives water from the stream. Nature provided the “giving” and the lake provided the “receiving.” Between the river and the lake there is balance. And the lake then gives its abundance through the outlet and the lake remains healthy and the flow gives abundance for animals and other parts of the ecosystem. If the lake focused on how much water it was letting flow out and decides to stop the outflow, the lake would become stagnant and polluted and the ecosystem would suffer.
In nature, we can find many examples that exist that are necessary for a balanced ecosystem. It’s a natural thing. The economy has a similar balance of giving and receiving the economy is built on the balance flow of revenue between consumers and producers. When one takes more than they give, it slows the economy down and create shortages and deficiencies and feelings that there is not enough.
The same thing happens when individuals or organizations hoard money and take out it out of circulation or fund activities that are not economy driven, like the stock market. While the stock market has its place, it does not produce consumable products and services, but rather takes funds out of the economy that lessen the flow of funds through the economy.
Trillions of dollars are locked up in the stock markets. Imagine what could good could be done if these trillions were infused into the economy instead of being locked up in elitist bank accounts that dam up the flow of money. Is this an example of greed? Was it by design that the funds flow to the top of the ivory towers and are not able to be used in the economy? This imbalance in the flow of giving and receiving in the economy is the manifestation of greed and the lack consciousness.
Certain people look after these things, but the imbalance, when allowed to drag on create stagnancy in the lack that it is. This stagnant situation is the definition of the “swamp.” It may be hard to see their macrocosm the world when involved in the microcosm the local community, but it exists at all levels of society.
On a personal basis, one’s income must be sufficient to cover the required expenditures or outflow. The RSS program provides the needed income to bring about changes in one’s financial matters one person at a time. That’s the micro. This situation will eventually create changes in the larger world, the macro. As the world changes, adjustments in our thinking may be necessary to facilitate the massive changes needed in the world.
To change the economy and the way we interact with one another, good money management on a personal basis will support the changes needed in our lives. With better thought processes, we can elect officials, who will facilitate the changes in the laws we need to support the new economy.
Problems with greed may be found in many facets of society. Society has given way to a keep up with the Joneses syndrome, where people often spend much more money than they make just to put on a front. The financial debt system we participate in now has made most people a slave to their financial needs due to the lack of the flow of money in society.
When people experience lack or loss, they respond to the lack by becoming greedy and unwilling to share because there is not enough. Greed may be found in the need for two or three jobs required to thrive. But greed gives way to the need when two or three jobs are often required just to survive. Once the lack of financial opportunities is participated in by a large part of the size of society, the economy adjusts to what is considered the necessities of life, and that slowly becomes the norm. This is what is considered lack conditioning.
A debt economy is not a healthy economy. If the lake gives out more than it takes in, the lake is slowly drained and does not fulfill its natural purpose. The debt slavery financial system created by the bankers has created a cancer that must be removed. Black eats away the enjoyment of life and destroys hope and leaves despair in its place.
Each person must take responsibility to heal their financial problems by understanding the dynamics of money and become friends with the solution. Becoming aware of this universal law of giving and receiving puts us in a position to make changes when we see our lives not balanced.
When you notice the effects of not having a balance in those you love is wise and prudent to adopt the attitude of gratitude. Take the time to notice when the little kindness is needed. And then make your move to show gratitude for the efforts of that person. Then feel how the love energy takes over yourself, as well as those who you have shown gratitude toward. If it works once, try it more often to see how people change. You might even hear someone whistling a happy tune sometimes.
Love is a great equalizer and balancer and produces a joyful way of living with others. If it works at home, try it at work or other areas of your life and see how it spreads. You’ll feel good. That is our short presentation on giving and receiving. It’s vital that we really understand the ramifications. An Attitude of Gratitude is the solution to having an imbalance of giving and receiving in most people’s life.
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