To begin looking at growing your revenue stream, please consider these things first:
You will receive a “Thank You” Bonus of $50 for each person you register. The promotional card will save you a lot of explanation. Refer them to the RSS Website to get more information. That information will satisfy their need for knowledge. They want it to be true so let them prove it for themselves. You may use the $50 Thank You Bonus to pay the $10 registration fee for those who resist registering. In the beginning of your sharing, you may not have a solid testimony of the program. The more you register, the easier it will become. Be prepared with your own little spiel and put yourself in their shoes. Knowledge of the program will instill confidence and enthusiasm, so do your due diligence. It is almost impossible to fail when your purpose is to give away money. If people resist, don’t persist. Leave them your card, the web address is printed on the back, and they can look up the information for themselves. The Card also has your User ID # so they can register if they want to give it a try. It is the intention of RSS to Bond all RSS accounts to ensure the continuation of the program.
When your registration is complete, RSS will begin to download revenue into your RSS account. You will have $144 in your account after the first 24 -hour period. Share your enthusiasm about how you will be paying off bills etc. and do other things you’ve not been able to do before. Again, the Promotion Card is a great tool – get them to the website and let them investigate for themselves. Don’t oversell – it doesn’t work well and is irritating.
As your sharing gets seasoned a bit, reach out to organizations that you are familiar with. A Church you belong to is a great way to share your new-found wealth. Clubs are a great source as well. If it is a non-profit organization with a Tax ID they can register the Club or Church. We recommend that you register the name of the organization with all members registering under that User ID. This will avoid bad feelings and will give a great opportunity for the Church or Club to receive additional funds for the organization through the Shareholder Bonus program. The need for dues or donations may just simply go away.
Example: The Shareholder Bonus adds one cent for every two people who register under the organization’s User ID#. If the organization has 200 members and they all sign up under the name of the organization, the organization will receive an additional $1.00 per minute download for a total download of $1.10 per minute. (200 people divided by 2 persons per 1 cent increase = $1.00 per minute + original $.10 = $1.10 per minute.)
RSS only deals with individuals, non-profits, and trusts; therefore, the business owner would be the one to register. All employees would come under his/her User ID. This does create a problem for the business owner, as the low employee wages with their own RSS Shares, are now receiving $1,000 per week and may want to quit and do something else or stay home with their families. But this problem is remedied by the Employment Contract program found in the document National Economic Stabilization Program and Financial Assurance Program. Both the owner and the employees can receive the Employment Contract Share, which starts out at $.25 download and can be scaled up or down to reflect the present pay scale. With the individual share and the contract share, a person would be receiving a minimum or $183,456 per year. The Employment Contract Shares are administered by Directors in the CAC program under the supervision of the Zim Benefactor or Managing Director.
When a Shareholder wants to increase his revenue flow there are other ways to find people in an enjoyable way. Traveling for the specific reason to find new people, offers great opportunities. Cruises, road trips, etc., provide an opportunity to talk to people. Often when striking up a conversation people will invariably ask what you do for a living. Have your card ready and give them a chance to investigate the Revenue Sharing program. Get a Laptop Computer and with new technology available to access the internet whenever and wherever you are, you can accomplish all you need to do to register new Shareholders. Connect to the RSS website, open up your account. and let them see the money flowing into your account one minute at a time. You can help register a new Shareholder on the spot. BTW a computer gives access to the educational videos you can share with them as they read and listen. Try to keep your meetings short. If they don’t register now, they probably will sometime later when they realize what is being offered to them. If you go on a cruise be sure you take plenty of cards. Your new Shareholders are not going to be your competition, so give them plenty of cards to use till they get their own – maybe 25 to 50 cards.
Government agencies are always underfunded. The city fire department could have a trust set up for equipment and maintenance with the Fire Chief and upper management being trustees. There could be a community drive to register new Shareholders and receive more per minute income. Those who have government friends may have a listening ear to create more income for underfunded government activities.
Some will travel to churches in a specific location and register churches, businesses, or organizations in that area instead of just individuals. With having a Share, you have a cash flow to support whatever you want to do. The opportunities are as numerous as there are people. With RSS, you can start a new life of abundance and prosperity and learn to live stress-free as we were intended to be. We support your endeavors if you follow the Policies and Procedures.
Ron Giles
Revenue Sharing Solutions brings forth great abundance. Learn more about becoming wealthy and the responsibilities that come with it.